The Waiting is Over

The Waiting is Over

Tomorrow the sun will rise over Home Park. It happens every day, so nothing particularly mind-blowing. But underneath, it’ll experience a buzz seldom seen in Plymouth Argyle’s 137-year history. Yes, Argyle are back in the Championship after a gruelling 13 years. But...
The First Test of Hallett’s Ownership?

The First Test of Hallett’s Ownership?

A lot has happened since August 2018 when Simon Hallett assumed overall control of Plymouth Argyle. We are into the third manager of Hallett’s tenure following Derek Adams and Ryan Lowe, the trust and loyalty shown by the chairman towards Steven Schumacher is truly...
American Investment in Argyle

American Investment in Argyle

If you’re anything like me, your heart would have skipped a beat earlier today. Seeing the words “club statement” feature in a tweet from Argyle with no further context is enough to send anyone’s head into a spin. Things have seemed so serene off the pitch in recent...